Inuka Rehabilitation Hospital

Director’s message

Many greetings from Inuka Rehabilitation Hospital,

Established in the 2008, Inuka Rehabilitation hospital focuses on reducing the occurrences of disability and providing quality and very affordable services to people with disabilities.

With community-based rehabilitation as our model, we involve the families and the community in improving the lives of the people with disabilities. In achieving this goal, we use the resources the families and the community may have.

We educate and encourage the community to include people with disabilities in all social, political, and economic initiatives. At Inuka, therefore, we treat, we educate, we go out to the community through outreach services, and we make supportive devices for our brothers and sisters with disabilities.

At this point, I want to thank the community for picking up the pace in understanding that people with disabilities are children of God just like us and that something can be done at Inuka Rehabilitation hospital to improve their wellbeing. With this understanding, the demand for rehabilitation services has increased requiring us to add more therapy rooms, staff, and equipment.

Some people have worked so hard and sacrificed a lot to make Inuka Rehabilitation hospital what it is today. I want to thank all our partners who have supported Inuka’s vision.

More support is needed to meet the increasing demand of people with disabilities. You don’t have to be a billionaire to help. Please Plan to volunteer with us because your time and expertise may save life. Donating is another way to save life and bring a smile to persons with disabilities.

God bless you all,

Fr. Nestory Mtweve

Managing Director